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Rubber Bands

    There was once a man with a strange mental problem: He loved rubber bands and needed them. His family became concerned and sent him to a mental hospital.

    After a year or so, the man looks normal. So, they ask him a question: "If you were released, what would you do?" The man answers, "I would go to Office Depot and buy some rubber bands."

    The man was put back in the hospital.

    Another year later, the man looks normal again, so they ask him the same question: "If you were released, what would you do?" The man answers: "I would go to the bank and withdraw some of my money." It sounds normal, but they ask him "Why would you do that?" "To take the rubber band off the wad."

    He was put back in the hospital again.

    Another year later, the man looks fine again. So, they ask him once more "If you were released, what would you do?" The man now answers, "I'm smarter now. I'd first get a girlfriend." The hospital officials nod with approval. "Then, I would take her out to dinner." The officials smile. "After that, I would get a nice hotel room with my girlfriend." The men let out huge grins, pretty sure he was fine. "Then, I would invite her into the jacuzzi." Everyone in the room is all giddy and and drooling. "And then what???" The officials asked. "Well," then man continues, "I would take her underwear, and rip off the elastic part, and play with it all night long!"

    You can guess what happened next.

    - Submitted by Eric

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