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Jokes.Net:Animal Jokes
Mouse Jokes

Short Mouse Jokes

    Q: What do mice do when they're at home ?
    A: Mousework !

    Q: What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat ?
    A: 'Here Kitty, kitty, kitty' !

    Q: What kind of musical instrument do mice play ?
    A: A mouse organ !

    Q: Why do mice have long tails ?
    A: Well, they'd look silly with long hair !

    Q: Who has large antlers, a high voice and wears white gloves ?
    A: Mickey Moose !

    Q: How do you save a drowning mouse ?
    A: Use mouse to mouse resuscitation !

    Q: Where do hamsters come from ?
    A: Hamsterdam !

    Q: What's a mouse's least favorite record ?
    A: What's up Pussycat !

    Q: Why do mice need oiling ?
    A: Because they squeak !

    Q: What do rodents say when they play bingo ?
    A: 'Eyes down for a full mouse' !

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